Valhalla's Things


Welcome to my blog, where I post sporadically about the things I do and the ones I make.

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MOAR Slippers

Posted on March 7, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, FreeSoftWear

A pair of espadrille-style slippers in black denim with a shiny
black design on the uppers and twine soles.

A couple of years ago, I made myself a pair of slippers in linen with a braided twine sole and then another pair of hiking slippers: I am happy to report that they have been mostly a success.

Now, as I feared, the white linen fabric wasn’t a great choice: not only it became dirt-grey linen fabric in a very short time, the area under the ball of the foot was quickly consumed by friction, just as it usually happens with bought slippers.

I have no pictures for a number of reasons, but trust me when I say that they look pretty bad.

The same slippers, one of them is turned upside down to show
the sole made from a twine braid, sewn in a spiral until it is the
shape of a sole.

However, the sole is still going strong, and the general concept has proved valid, so when I needed a second pair of slippers I used the same pattern, with a sole made from the same twine but this time with denim taken from the legs of an old pair of jeans.

To make them a bit nicer, and to test the technique, I also added a design with a stencil and iridescent black acrylic paint (with fabric medium): I like the tone-on-tone effect, as it’s both (relatively) subtle and shiny.

A pair of open-heeled slippers in faded blue jeans.

Then, my partner also needed new slippers, and I wanted to make his too.

His preference, however, is for open heeled slippers, so I adjusted the pattern into a new one, making it from an old pair of blue jeans, rather than black as mine.

A braided twine sole, showing how an heel has been made in the
same technique and sewn under the sole with blanket stitches.

He also finds completely flat soles a bit uncomfortable, so I made an heel with the same braided twine technique: this also seems to be working fine, and I’ve also added these instructions to the braided soles ones

Both of these have now been work for a few months: the jeans is working much better than the linen (which isn’t a complete surprise) and we’re both finding them comfortable, so if we’ll ever need new slippers I think I’ll keep using this pattern.

Now the plan is to wash the linen slippers, and then look into repairing them, either with just a new fabric inner sole + padding, or if washing isn’t as successful as I’d like by making a new fabric part in a different material and reusing just the twine sole. Either way they are going back into use.

Hexagonal Pattern Weights

Posted on February 24, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:3dprint, craft:sewing

Eight hexagonal pieces with free software / culture related
graphics on top.

For quite a few years, I’ve been using pattern weights instead of pins when cutting fabric, starting with random objects and then mostly using some big washers from the local hardware store.

However, at about 22 g per washer, I needed quite a few of them, and dealing with them tended to get unwieldy; I don’t remember how it happened, but one day I decided to make myself some bigger weights with a few washers each.

I suspect I had seen somebody online with some nice hexagonal pattern weights, and hexagonal of course reminded me of the Stickers Standard, so of course I settled on an hexagon 5 cm tall and I decided I could 3D-print it in a way that could be filled with washers for weight.

Rather than bothering with adding a lid (and fitting it), I decided to close the bottom by gluing a piece of felt, with the added advantage that it would protect whatever the weight was being used on. And of course the top could be decorated with a nerdish sticker, because, well, I am a nerd.

I made a few of these pattern weights, used them for a while, was happy with them, and then a few days ago I received some new hexagonal stickers I had had printed, and realized that while I had taken a picture with all of the steps in assembling them, I had never published any kind of instructions on how to make them — and I had not even pushed the source file on the craft tools git repository.

And yesterday I fixed that: the instructions are now on my craft pattern website, with generated STL files, the git repository has been updated with the current sources, and now I’ve even written this blog post :)

Water Resistant Hood

Posted on February 23, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, FreeSoftWear

a person wearing a relatively boxy water resistant jacket with
pockets and a zipper, and a detached hood with a big square cowl
that reaches mid-torso.

Many years ago I made myself a vest with lots of pockets 1 in a few layers of cheap cotton, and wore the hell out of it, for the added warmth, but most importantly for the convenience provided by the pockets.

the same person showing just the vest, with two applied pockets
on the bust, closed with buttons, and two big flaps covering two
welted pockets at waist level, plus a strip of fabric with loops
where things may be attached.

Then a few years ago the cheap cotton had started to get worn, and I decided I needed to replace it. I found a second choice (and thus cheaper :) ) version of a water-repellent cotton and made another vest, lined with regular cotton, for a total of just two layers.

the same person, this time there are also two sleeves, attached
to the vest with big snaps, the outline of which can be seen on
the vest. they are significantly less faded than the vest.

This time I skipped a few pockets that I had found I didn’t use that much, and I didn’t add a hood, which didn’t play that well when worn over a hoodie, but I added some detached sleeves, for additional wind protection.

This left about 60 cm and some odd pieces of leftover fabric in my stash, for which I had no plan.

the hood pulled down on the back, showing the big square cowl.

And then February2 came, and I needed a quick simple mindless handsewing projects for the first weekend, I saw the vest (which I’m wearing as much as the old one), the sleeves (which have been used much less, but I’d like to change this) and thought about making a matching hood for it, using my square hood pattern.

Since the etaproof is a bit stiff and not that nice to the touch I decide to line3 it with the same cotton as the vest and sleeves, and in the style of the pattern I did so by finishing each panel with its own lining (with regular cotton thread) and then whipstitching the panels together with the corespun cotton/poly thread recommended by the seller of the fabric. I’m not sure this is the best way to construct something that is supposed to resist the rain, but if I notice issues I can always add some sealing tape afterwards.

I do have a waterproof cape to wear in case of real rain, so this is only supposed to work for light rain anyway, and it may prove not to be an issue.

As something designed to be worn in light rain, this is also something likely to be worn in low light conditions, where 100% black may not be the wisest look. On the vest I had added reflective piping to the armscyes, but I was out of the same piping.

from the front; a flash was used to take the picture, making
the border of the cowl very visible.

I did however have a spool of reflector thread made of glass fibre by Rico Design, which I think was originally sold to be worked into knitting or crochet projects (it is now discontinued) and I had never used.

I decided to try and sew a decorative blanket stitch border, a decision I had reasons to regret, since the thread broke and tangled like crazy, but in the end it was done, I like how it looks, and it seems pretty functional. I hope it won’t break with time and use, and if it does I’ll either fix it or try to redo with something else.

Of course, the day I finished sewing the reflective border it stopped raining, so I haven’t worn it yet, but I hope I’ll be able to, and if it is an horrible failure I’ll make sure to update this post.

  1. and I’ve just realized that I haven’t migrated that pattern to my pattern website, and I should do that. just don’t hold your breath for it to happen O:-). And for the time being it will not have step-by-step pictures, as I currently don’t need another vest.↩︎

  2. and February of course means a weekend in front of a screen that is showing a live-streamed conference.↩︎

  3. and of course I updated the pattern with instructions on how to add a lining.↩︎

Conference Talk Timeout Ring, Part One

Posted on February 4, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, madeof:bits

low quality video of a ring of rgb LED in front of a computer:
the LED light up one at a time in colours that go from yellow to

A few ago I may have accidentally bought a ring of 12 RGB LEDs; I soldered temporary leads on it, connected it to a CircuitPython supported board and played around for a while.

They we had a couple of friends come over to remote FOSDEM together, and I had talked with one of them about WS2812 / NeoPixels, so I brought them to the living room, in case there was a chance to show them in sort-of-use.

Then I was dealing with playing the various streams as we moved from one room to the next, which lead to me being called “video team”, which lead to me wearing a video team shirt (from an old DebConf, not FOSDEM, but still video team), which lead to somebody asking me whether I also had the sheet with the countdown to the end of the talk, and the answer was sort-of-yes (I should have the ones we used to use for our Linux Day), but not handy.

But I had a thing with twelve things in a clock-like circle.

A bit of fiddling on the CircuitPython REPL resulted, if I remember correctly, in something like:

import board
import neopixel
import time

num_pixels = 12

pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.GP0, num_pixels)
pixels.brightness = 0.1

def end(min):
    pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))
    for i in range(12):
        pixels[i] = (127 + 10 * i, 8 * (12 - i), 0)
        pixels[i-1] = (0, 0, 0)
        time.sleep(min * 5)  # min * 60 / 12

Now, I wasn’t very consistent in running end, especially since I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to run it at the beginning of the talk with the full duration or just in the last 5 - 10 minutes depending of the length of the slot, but I’ve had at least one person agree that the general idea has potential, so I’m taking these notes to be able to work on it in the future.

One thing that needs to be fixed is the fact that with the ring just attached with temporary wires and left on the table it isn’t clear which LED is number 0, so it will need a bit of a case or something, but that’s something that can be dealt with before the next fosdem.

And I should probably add some input interface, so that it is self-contained and not tethered to a computer and run from the REPL.

(And then I may also have a vague idea for putting that ring into some wearable thing: good thing that I actually bought two :D )


Posted on January 10, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:painting, medium:acrylic

An acrylic painting in blue and greenish grey vaguely
resembling rocky slopes at the bottom right and a cloudy sky at
the top left.

A few days ago1 I wanted to paint, but I didn’t know what to paint, so I did a few more colour tests to find out which green combinations I can get out of the available yellows and blues (and greens) acrylic I have (from a cheap student grade line).

A sheet of colour tests with mixes of various yellows and

I liked the cool grey tones in the second to last line, from 200 “Naples yellow” (PY3 PY83 PW6) and 410 Ultramarine blue (PB29), so I went up a step on the scale of “things to do when having a desire to paint, but the utter inability to actually paint something ” and did a bit of a study with those two colours plus titanium white.

The study above over a sheet of scrap paper: at one of the edge
the excess paint has connected the two together.

And btw, painting with acrylics on watercolour paper taped to a sheet of scrap paper works just fine for stuff like this that is not supposed to last, but the work will get glued to the paper below when (not if) the paint overflows :D

  1. i.e. almost three months, and then I wrote 95% of this post and forgot to finish and publish it.↩︎

Poor Man Media Server

Posted on January 9, 2025
Tags: madeof:bits

Some time ago I installed minidlna on our media server: it was pretty easy to do, but quite limited in its support for the formats I use most, so I ended up using other solutions such as mounting the directory with sshfs.

Now, doing that from a phone, even a pinephone running debian, may not be as convenient as doing it from the laptop where I already have my ssh key :D and I needed to listed to music from the pinephone.

So, in anger, I decided to configure a web server to serve the files.

I installed lighttpd because I already had a role for this kind of configuration in my ansible directory, and configured it to serve the relevant directory in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/20-music.conf:

$HTTP["host"] =~ "" {          = ""
    server.document-root = "/path/to/music"

the domain was already configured in my local dns (since everything is only available to the local network), and I enabled both 20-music.conf and 10-dir-listing.conf.

And. That’s it. It works. I can play my CD rips on a single flac exactly in the same way as I was used to (by ssh-ing to the media server and using alsaplayer).

Then this evening I was talking to normal people1, and they mentioned that they wouldn’t mind being able to skip tracks and fancy things like those :D and I’ve found one possible improvement.

For the directories with the generated single-track ogg files I’ve added some playlists with the command ls *.ogg > playlist.m3u, then in the directory above I’ve run ls */*.m3u > playlist.m3u and that also works.

With vlc I can now open to listen to an album that I have in ogg, being able to move between tracks, or I can open and in the playlist view I can browse between the different albums.

Left as an exercise to the reader2 are writing a bash script to generate all of the playlist.m3u files (and running it via some git hook when the files change) or writing a php script to generate them on the fly.

Update 2025-01-10: another reader3 wrote the php script and has authorized me to post it here.

define("MUSIC_FOLDER", __DIR__);
define("ID3v2", false);

function dd() {
    echo "<pre>"; call_user_func_array("var_dump", func_get_args());

function getinfo($file) {
    $cmd = 'id3info "' . MUSIC_FOLDER . "/" . $file . '"';
    exec($cmd, $output);
    $res = [];
    foreach($output as $line) {
    if (str_starts_with($line, "=== ")) {
        $key = explode(" ", $line)[1];
        $val = end(explode(": ", $line, 2));
        $res[$key] = $val;
    if (isset($res['TPE1']) || isset($res['TIT2']))
    echo "#EXTINF: , " . ($res['TPE1'] ?? "Unk") . " - " . ($res['TIT2'] ?? "Untl") . "\r\n";
    if (isset($res['TALB']))
    echo "#EXTALB: " . $res['TALB'] . "\r\n";

function pathencode($path, $name) {
    $path = urlencode($path);
    $path =  str_replace("%2F", "/", $path);
    $name = urlencode($name);
    if ($path != "") $path = "/" . $path;
    return $path . "/" . $name;

function serve_playlist($path) {
    echo "#EXTM3U";
    echo "# PATH: $path\n\r";
    foreach (glob(MUSIC_FOLDER . "/$path/*") as $filename) {
    $name = basename($filename);
    if (is_dir($filename)) {
        echo pathencode($path, $name) . ".m3u\r\n";
    $t = explode(".", $filename);
    $ext = array_pop($t);
    if (in_array($ext, ["mp3", "ogg", "flac", "mp4", "m4a"])) {
        if (ID3v2) {
 	   getinfo($path . "/" . $name);
        } else {
 	   echo "#EXTINF: , " . $path . "/" . $name . "\r\n";
        echo pathencode($path, $name) . "\r\n";

$path = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$path = urldecode($path);
$path = trim($path, "/");

if (str_ends_with($path, ".m3u")) {
    $path = str_replace(".m3u", "", $path);


$path = MUSIC_FOLDER . "/" . $path;
if (file_exists($path) && is_file($path)) {
    header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
    header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
    header('Expires: 0');
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
    header('Pragma: public');
    header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path));

It’s php, so I assume no responsability for it :D

  1. as much as the members of our LUG can be considered normal.↩︎

  2. i.e. the person in the LUG who wanted me to share what I had done.↩︎

  3. i.e. the other person in the LUG who was in that conversation and suggested the php script option.↩︎

Asemic Writing, a Zine

Posted on October 24, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, madeof:bits, craft:zine

An open booklet with lines that look like some kind of cursive
non-alphabetic script, framed by a border in the same script and
four symbols in the corners.

I have no idea either.

The front of that booklet, with three lines of fake text in
different sizes and a circle of the same.

Happy Maladay1 to those who celebrate it, I guess.

A template on white paper with pencil lines where text is
supposed to go.

Multiple A4 sheet of tracing paper with fake text, plus an A6
sheet and a white A6 sheet with a stamp impression.

If you care about the how, it started as china ink on tracing paper, with the help of a template (and a correction sheet for one page where I used the wrong line on the template).

A rubber stamp was carved with the author’s signature and stamped on white paper because the ink from the pad wasn’t working well on tracing paper.

Then everything was scanned (with the correction on top of the wrong page) asemic_zine_scans.tar.

Imported in Inkscape and traced asemic_zine_svg.tar.

Printed, cut in half, folded and stapled. The magenta lines weren’t by design, but are there because my printer is currently2 cursed.

And finally, asemic_zine.pdf was created, joining the pages together with pdfjam, for convenience in case somebody wants to download the full thing.

All the .tar and .pdf downloads from this page are released under the WTFPL, or All Rites Reversed..

  1. it’s still technically Maladay when I write this, even if by the time you’ll get this it’s probably the 6th of The Aftermath.↩︎

  2. I mean, all printers are always cursed, but at different times they can be cursed in different and novel ways.↩︎

Two Linen Hoods

Posted on September 11, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, FreeSoftWear

A woman wearing a white hood with a deep shoulder covering that
ends in a point at about waist height.

The hood is not fitted, has a slight point because of the
rectangular construction, and on the torso part one can see the
big square gusset that gives it fullness.

I’ve been influenced again into feeling the need for a garment.

It was again a case of multiple sources conspiring in the same direction for unrelated reasons, but I decided I absolutely needed a linen hood, made from the heavy white linen I knew I had in my stash.

Why? I don’t know. I do like the feeling of wearing a hood, and the white linen should give a decent protection from the sun, but I don’t know how often I’m going to wear these instead of just a hat. On the other hand the linen was already there and I needed something small to sew.

A woman wearing a hood in the same shape, but made in
tartan-print flannel.

It looks slightly smaller than the linen one.

My first idea was to make a square hood: some time ago I had already made one out of some leftovers of duvet cover, vaguely inspired by the Skjoldehamn Hood, because I have a long-term plan of making one a bit more from scratch1.

I like the fact that this pattern is completely made out of squares and rectangles, and while the flannel one is quite fitting, as suitable for a warm garment, I felt that by making it just a cm or two wider it would have worked nicely for a warm weather one, and indeed it did.

A woman wearing some sort of white veil that covers the head
and has two scarf-like appendages, one wrapped around the
shoulders and falling on the back, and one falling on the front
side, kept in place with one arm.

Except, before I even started on the square hood, I started to think that the same square top would also be good for a hood-scarf, one of those long flowy garments that sit on the head, wrap around the neck and fall down, moving with the wind and the movements of the person.

Because, let’s be honest. worn in a way that look like a veil they feel nice, it’s true. But with the help of a couple of pins then you can do this.

A woman wearing what looks like a deep hood over some sort of
fabric face mask, showing only the eyes, in a way that resembles
characters in a video game.

There are again two scarf-like edges that fall on the front and

And no, I’ve never played that game2, and I’m not even 100% sure what it is about, other than killing people, climbing buildings and petting cats3, but that’s not really an issue when making a bit of casual cosplay of something, right?

Anyway, should anybody feel the need to make themselves a hood or ten, the patterns have been released as usual as #FreeSoftWear: square hood and hood scarf.

  1. I’m not going to raise the sheep :D I’m actually not even going to wash and comb the wool, I’ll start from the step just after those :D↩︎

  2. because proprietary software, because somewhat underpowered computers and other related reasons that are somewhat incidental to the game itself.↩︎

  3. at least two out of three things that make it look like a perfectly enjoyable activity.↩︎

Piecepack and postcard boxes

Posted on March 25, 2024
Tags: madeof:bits, craft:cartonnage

This article has been originally posted on November 4, 2023, and has been updated (at the bottom) since.

An open cardboard box, showing the lining in paper printed with
a medieval music manuscript.

Thanks to All Saints’ Day, I’ve just had a 5 days weekend. One of those days I woke up and decided I absolutely needed a cartonnage box for the cardboard and linocut piecepack I’ve been working on for quite some time.

I started drawing a plan with measures before breakfast, then decided to change some important details, restarted from scratch, did a quick dig through the bookbinding materials and settled on 2 mm cardboard for the structure, black fabric-like paper for the outside and a scrap of paper with a manuscript print for the inside.

Then we had the only day with no rain among the five, so some time was spent doing things outside, but on the next day I quickly finished two boxes, at two different heights.

The weather situation also meant that while I managed to take passable pictures of the first stages of the box making in natural light, the last few stages required some creative artificial lightning, even if it wasn’t that late in the evening. I need to build1 myself a light box.

And then decided that since they are C6 sized, they also work well for postcards or for other A6 pieces of paper, so I will probably need to make another one when the piecepack set will be finally finished.

The original plan was to use a linocut of the piecepack suites as the front cover; I don’t currently have one ready, but will make it while printing the rest of the piecepack set. One day :D

an open rectangular cardboard box, with a plastic piecepack set
in it.

One of the boxes was temporarily used for the plastic piecepack I got with the book, and that one works well, but since it’s a set with standard suites I think I will want to make another box, using some of the paper with fleur-de-lis that I saw in the stash.

I’ve also started to write detailed instructions: I will publish them as soon as they are ready, and then either update this post, or they will be mentioned in an additional post if I will have already made more boxes in the meanwhile.

Update 2024-03-25: the instructions have been published on my craft patterns website

  1. you don’t really expect me to buy one, right? :D↩︎

Forgotten Yeast Bread - Sourdough Edition

Posted on March 23, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:cooking, craft:baking, craft:bread

Yesterday I had planned a pan sbagliato for today, but I also had quite a bit of sourdough to deal with, so instead of mixing a bit of of dry yeast at 18:00 and mixing it with some additional flour and water at 21:00, at around maybe 20:00 I substituted:

  • 100 g firm sourdough;
  • 33 g flour;
  • 66 g water.

Then I briefly woke up in the middle of the night and poured the dough on the tray at that time instead of having to wake up before 8:00 in the morning.

Everything else was done as in the original recipe.

The firm sourdough is feeded regularly with the same weight of flour and half the weight of water.

Will. do. again.

…this is probably not the beginning, you can find more in the archives.